SEOteric Serves Clients in Detroit, MI

Detroit, MI SEO Services

Modern SEO is about knowing how to optimize all aspects of your website. SEO involves technical components, content, links and credibility signals, and user engagement metrics. As competition and scope increases, so does the need to be stronger in each area. Our Detroit SEO packages are designed to influence the things that will help get your business ranked for the keywords that matter in your area.

Search engine optimization is what we are known for - and it's what we do best. We have a deep knowledge and expertise of getting results. Since our inception in 2009, its been at the core of who we are. We love search because - more than any other digital channel - there is already likely an established need and an intent to act on it. When there is existing demand for a product or service, it's the best overall channel to get in front of new customers. Below, you'll find some insights into our service offering, the deliverables, and some information about timeline and expectations.


AVG Increase in SEO Traffic


AVG Increase in Sales & Leads


AVG Increase in Conversion Rate


Transparency & Clarity of Deliverables

Improve SEO Rankings in Detroit

Get your business ranked higher in Google for more local searches in Detroit. The first step in getting better rankings in Detroit, MI is to become a better "resource" for your users. We start by optimizing and expanding website content to better answer the questions your potential customers will have. This approach starts on the home page, and funnels down to product pages, service pages, category pages, and FAQs. A few highlights of our Detroit SEO services include:

  • Content optimization and in-depth landing page development.
  • Competitive Intelligence to know the path to increasing rankings.
  • Technical assessments to optimize site structure and crawlability.
  • Internal linking and site architecture optimization.
  • Inbound Link acquisition and outreach.
  • Business listing management and creation across the local ecosystem.
  • Monthly consulting to understand Progress, Results, and Opportunities (our PRO Cadence).
Detroit MI SEO Action Plan

SEO Service Packages in Detroit

Our SEO packages are structured to give you the best chance to compete in your market - whether that is local, national, or global. We've help early stage businesses up to global enterprises solve difficult SEO challenges and gain new exposure in Google.

Each package has an allotment of "points" you can use to execute your SEO plan. This approach will end up saving you thousands of dollars per month VS assembling and executing with an in-house SEO team. Expand your marketing to attract customers in Detroit, Dearborn, Livonia, Warren, Sterling Heights, Troy and where ever else you want to reach.

Startup Package

EARLY STAGE BUSINESSES WITH LESS THAN 1M IN REVENUE (15 POINTS/MONTH) tooltipAn Out-Of-The-Box SEO Plan for the small, local business with less than 1 million in revenue. This package combines Local SEO and Google Business Profile Optimization for a perfect mix of impact in a local market. For less than the cost of one employee, you get access to your own SEO Specialist.

This plan gets 15 points per month with a detailed plan for executing your SEO Strategy. We target you main location plus surrounding areas (based on the number of points available). It also includes project management and 1 monthly consulting meeting where you get to discuss Progress, Results, and Opportunities (Our PRO Cadence). You'll also get our marketing dashboard where you can monitor important KPIs like keyword rankings, conversions, traffic, and so much more.


Growth Package

SMALL BUSINESSES WITH MORE THAN 1M REVENUE (35 POINTS/MONTH) tooltipAn Out-Of-The-Box SEO Plan for the growing small business with more than 1 million in revenue. This package combines Local SEO and Google Business Profile Optimization for a perfect mix of impact in a local market. For less than the cost of one employee, you get access to your own SEO Specialist.

This plan gets 30 points per month with a detailed plan for executing your SEO Strategy. We target you main location plus surrounding areas (based on the number of points available). It also includes project management and 1 monthly consulting meeting where you get to discuss Progress, Results, and Opportunities (Our PRO Cadence). You'll also get our marketing dashboard where you can monitor important KPIs like keyword rankings, conversions, traffic, and so much more. More aggressive than the Starter Package, this package allows for more monthly utilization and points, helping you take your SEO efforts further.


SMB Package

ESTABLISHED SMALL BUSINESSES (70 POINTS/MONTH) tooltipAn Out-Of-The-Box SEO Plan for established small businesses. This package combines Local SEO, Regional SEO and Google Business Profile Optimization for a perfect mix of impact over a wider area. For less than the cost of one employee, you get access to your own SEO Specialist.

This plan gets 50 points per month with a detailed plan for executing your SEO Strategy. We target you main location plus surrounding areas (based on the number of points available). It also includes project management and 1 monthly consulting meeting where you get to discuss Progress, Results, and Opportunities (Our PRO Cadence). You'll also get our marketing dashboard where you can monitor important KPIs like keyword rankings, conversions, traffic, and so much more. More aggressive than the Growth Package, this package allows for more monthly utilization and points, helping you take your SEO efforts further into more markets, more landing pages, and a wider organic footprint.


Pro Package

ESTABLISHED SMALL TO MEDIUM SIZED BUSINESSES (100 POINTS/MONTH) tooltipAn Out-Of-The-Box SEO Plan for established small to medium sized businesses. This package includes a potential mix of Local SEO, Regional SEO, E-commerce SEO, and/or National SEO for an SEO approach appropriate for competitive keywords and markets.

This plan gets 75 points per month with a detailed plan for executing your SEO Strategy. You also gain access to a dedicated Account Representative and 2 support specialist to execute the campaign. We target you main location plus surrounding areas (based on the number of points available). It also includes project management and biweekly consulting meetings (every 2 weeks) where you get to discuss Progress, Results, and Opportunities (Our PRO Cadence). You'll also get our marketing dashboard where you can monitor important KPIs like keyword rankings, conversions, traffic, and so much more. More aggressive than the Growth Package, this package allows for more monthly utilization and points, helping you take your SEO efforts further into more markets, more landing pages, and a wider organic footprint.


Need Something Specific?

Reach out and get a quote. We can often create a custom solution for start-ups or enterprise businesses based on each organization's needs.

Are You Ready For AI in Detroit SEO?

Artificial Intelligence is here, and it's here to stay. The question is - how do we use it? SEOteric is on the leading edge of AI, integrating trend analysis and AI tools into our development and marketing solutions for our clients in Detroit. It's important to note that AI is more of a "co-pilot" and a tool to be used by professionals. In the right hands, it can increase efficiency and effectiveness of initiatives. It's not a replacement for strategy and execution, but a tool that can help achieve new and exciting things. We don't use AI as a replacement for talent - but we do leverage it to create new opportunities for growth.

Marketing AI Artificial Intelligence in Detroit
Detroit MI SEO Content Creation

Content Optimization

In order to rank in Google, you have to be the best answer to the query. We'll research and develop content, optimize it, and refine it to turn your website into the best resource for Google and your potential customers. This involves creating new pages, editing and optimizing existing pages, and creating new internal link opportunities to strengthen the on-site signals needed for relevance.

To rank in Detroit or the nearby areas of Dearborn, Livonia, Warren, Sterling Heights, Troy, we have to also be locally relevant and target customers with localized content. A high percentage of searches now have a local intent, so being locally relevant helps win more search visibility in the Detroit, MI area.

That process typically involves the following initiatives:

  • Keyword research to identify transactional terms that are likely to produce a result.
  • Competitive Intelligence to see what top ranking websites in your niche are doing and what Google wants in order to rank.
  • Outlines created to fully cover a topic and its subtopics.
  • Content created, edited, proofed, and send for approval.
  • Content implemented into the website and optimized for on-site SEO signals.
  • Pillar pages (main topics) and sub pages (sub topics) created to fully cover a topic.
  • Internal linking optimized by linking related and topical content both in content and in navigation.
  • Content refinement to further optimize content based on rankings, Google algorithm adjustments, and competitor movements.
  • Localizing content and landing pages for your target markets in Detroit, Dearborn, Livonia, Warren, Sterling Heights, Troy, and surrounding areas.

Links and Citations

Real links - from real websites. In addition to being a good resource, you also need credibility. We'll help you acquire new inbound links and citations from relevant, real and credible websites. Links that matter for SEO often meet the requirements of being "followed" (meaning Google is allowed to crawl and follow the link, and pass ranking metrics), attainable (the link makes sense from a time and resources perspective), relevant (within the same or related topics to the target website), credible (it has its own link and topical authority), and real (it exist for users and not just for link purposes). Local links from business near Detroit, Dearborn, Livonia, Warren, Sterling Heights, Troy and close to your service area can also impact local ranking potential.

Citations tend to be from sources that pass information like local listings or resources, and sometimes may be followed or nofollowed, but can have an impact on overall relevance, credibility, and prominence. Links are one measurement of EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trust), and we help you build credibility as we acquire relevant link opportunities. Some of the strategies used to get links include:

  • HARO and media query monitoring (journalists asking for expert quotes).
  • Outreach requesting inclusion into an existing article.
  • Outreach pitching an expert quote to add to an existing article.
  • Outreach to add new content on a related topic.
  • Discovering unlinked mentions and asking for a link placement.
  • Discovering content gaps and pitching new content.
  • Creating relationships with complementary websites.
  • Leveraging existing relationships for link opportunities.
  • Creating local business listings and citations that point to your business in the Detroit, MI area.
Detroit MI SEO Link Acquisition
Detroit MI SEO Conversions

Conversions and Engagement

An important signal for Google is that users accomplish their search goals. This could be in a conversion event on your website, or that they found what they wanted and ended their search with your website. We'll help you create a user experience that encourages more conversions and search accomplishment. The result is increasing leads/sales and giving Google important machine learning data that may increase ranking potential.

If you are needing to capture more leads from the Detroit, MI area, you have to give your users what they need. Providing detailed product and service information, answers to frequently asked questions, clear calls to action, and the ability to track and follow up on leads is a formula to convert more website visitors into sales and leads. This is especially true when local users in the Detroit, MI area are looking for a good local solution.

That process typically involves the following initiatives:

  • Competitive Intelligence to understand what users expect.
  • Research and content creation to fill any content gaps.
  • FAQ content development.
  • Lead forms on landing pages.
  • Easy click to call on mobile devices.
  • Removing barriers to entry/barriers to conversion.
  • Providing a clear call to action that resonates with your users.
  • Providing use-cases where potential customers can see their need and your solution.
  • Tracking conversions in Google Analytics to know what pages, channels, etc are producing.
  • Tarketing local Detroit, MI users with localized content.
  • Making adjustments based on user data and feedback.

Technical Optimizations

We'll analyze and optimize technical components of your website to ensure that is meets the requirements of crawlers and users - things like performance, indexing, information architecture, and structured data.

Technical SEO is one of the often overlook aspects of SEO, but without a sound technical foundation you can jeopardize other good strategies. Good content without proper URL structures or internal linking can cause orphaned pages or crawling issues. Search results and faceted search without proper canonical usage can cause loads of indexing issues. As you build out a website, its important to know how Google will crawl, render, and index each page and section of content to ensure the best ranking potential.

A few of the ways we handle technical SEO include:

  • Broken links and 404 analysis
  • Redirects analysis
  • Canonical analysis
  • Website Architecture analysis
  • Duplicate content/meta data analysis
  • Page Speed analysis
  • Mobile Usability analysis
  • Mobile-first Indexing analysis
  • Search Console and indexing analysis
Detroit MI Performance and Technical SEO

Clarity and Deliverables

We provide deliverables and proof of work for what we execute like website changes, research, and content updates. You'll see the results grow over time with our up-to-date marketing dashboards. Regular consulting meetings will keep you up to speed on marketing initiatives. If you have felt in the dark or not clear on what your getting with your SEO services, working with us will be refreshing.

Our process works by clearly defining the gap of where you are and where we need to go. This Competitive Intelligence is specific to you - your market and your services. We take the guesswork out of SEO and marketing by establishing a clear path to improvement, delivering case-study worthy results across many industries and scopes.

Most campaigns will get the following deliverables along with their analytics and reporting:

  • Initial Assessment tooltip The Initial Assessment is to give us an overall roadmap and baseline starting position.
  • Technical SEO Audit tooltip The Technical SEO Audit to discover technical issues like crawling, indexing, 404s, redirects, etc that can hinder rankings.
  • Keyword Research tooltip Keyword Research to identify transactional and information search terms likely to meet your business objectives.
  • Competitive Intelligence tooltip Competitive Intelligence to identify what Google wants from a top ranking site and a pathway to get there. One of the most important deliverables and differentiators with SEOteric is our ability to identify and execute the actionable steps for rankings improvement based on your specific industry and keyword targets.
  • Content Creation tooltip Content Creation with strategic outlines and content designed to meet the requirements of search engines and your prospective users.
  • 10X Pillar Pages tooltip 10X Pillar Pages which act as main keyword/topic landing pages. These pages are derived from competitive intelligence by analyzing the top 10 ranking sites and then amplifying their content into a single good resource (hence the moniker "10X").
  • Topic Subpages tooltip Topic Subpages which can be used to target subtopics and related keywords. Subpages give us an opportunity to improve rankings for deep topics and long tail search queries.
  • Content Optimization tooltip Content Optimization to optimize content and pages using a metric by metric approach for key elements like titles, meta data, internal links, headlines, supporting media, etc
  • Content Refinement tooltip Content Refinement to test subtle changes for ranking improvements. Sometimes in competitive search topics and keywords, the gaps get smaller at the top, and finding opportunities for improvement requires strategic changes tested and refined over time.
  • Conversion Tracking tooltip Conversion Tracking to know how users are interacting with your website. We track things like form submissions, calls from mobile devices, and other actions that are centric to your business goals.
  • HARO Monitoring tooltip HARO Monitoring for media queries and link opportunities. These can be sparse for some industries, but the opportunities can be significant to acquire highly credible and relevant inbound links.
  • Link Outreach tooltip Link Outreach to find relevant link targets to pitch link opportunities. We used a mix of strategies to acquire links using manual outreach. That may include pitching expert quotes to add to existing articles, getting content published to existing articles, pitching new content, and contributing to news or journalist content as a third party validation source.
  • Analytics Dashboard tooltip Analytics Dashboard to monitor and keep track of progress. Data like rankings, traffic, traffic sources, conversions, and more can be found on your custom analytics interface. Data is updated at least daily so you can see in real time how things are going.
  • Monthly Consulting tooltip Monthly Consulting to keep you up to date on our progress. Our cadence for consulting follows our PRO cadence of Progress, Results, and Opportunities. Progress to show the work that has been executed,Results to show the impact of the work, and Opportunities to show what we've learned and what's coming next.
  • Digital Marketing Direction tooltip Digital Marketing Direction to give guidance on new opportunities, new channel developments, and how to progress and grow in market share. You'll have a pathway and a voice in your course for growth.

Our Standard of Work

Our Goal is That Every Client Becomes a Case Study.

Franchise Marketing

Your Pie trust SEOteric with their website, SEO and Google ads for their 70+ franchises, as well as franchise recruiting for new franchise leads.


Increase In SEO Conversions

Local SEO + Google Ads

4esthetics Lounge trust SEOteric with their website, SEO and Google Business Profile, and Google Ads for their location in Lexington, KY.


Increase In Overall Conversions

Enterprise SEO + Consulting

World Bank via CGAP and FinDevGateway trust SEOteric with SEO consulting and guidance for their digital teams.


Increase In Organic SEO Traffic

Multi-Location Digital Marketing

Kaizen Auto Care trust SEOteric to manage digital marketing and SEO for their 40+ locations across the country. (Yes, 15X - ask for the chart.)


Increase In Organic SEO Traffic

We Know SEO in Detroit, MI

Gain Your Competitive Edge in Detroit

Detroit, Michigan, hosts a diverse business landscape across various sectors such as automotive, technology, healthcare, manufacturing, and education, contributing to a dynamic and competitive market. In this digital era, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) holds substantial importance for businesses aiming to establish a robust online presence. Companies in Detroit recognize the significance of optimizing their digital footprint to improve visibility in search engine results and effectively reach their target audience. Through tailored SEO strategies involving keyword optimization, content enrichment, and local SEO tactics, businesses aim to cater to the preferences and needs of the local demographic. With Detroit's population increasingly relying on online searches, investing in SEO becomes crucial for businesses aiming to compete and thrive in this industrious and evolving Michigan city. The focus on SEO highlights its crucial role in helping businesses remain visible and relevant to their local customer base, contributing to sustained growth and success within Detroit's diverse market.

Ready To Grow?

Contact Us to Set Up A Discovery Call

Contact SEOteric

Our clients love working with us, and we think you will too. Give us a call to see how we can work together - or fill out the contact form.